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Chapters 5 & 6

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Chapter 5. Best Friends Forever?

(Today is Saturday, Spring Fling is next week)

Gordo woke up thinking about last night:

Gordo's POV
"Oh my God... What am I going to do? I should call... who? I can't tell Lizzie about Miranda and neither backwards..."

McGuire's house:
Lizzie's bedroom.

Toon Lizzie: Call him! Wait... what if he doesn't wants to talk to me?... Whatever... Call him!
(Lizzie calls to the Gordon's house)
(Gordo picks up the phone)
Gordo: Hello?
Lizzie: Hi Gordo, it's Lizzie.
Gordo: Hi.
Lizzie: ...
Gordo: ...
Lizzie: Bye! (hangs up)
Toon Lizzie: What was that? He's just... Gordo.

Sanchez's house:
Miranda's bedroom.

(Miranda calls Lizzie)
Lizzie: Hello?
Miranda: Hi, Liz.
Lizzie: Hey Randa!
Miranda: Is it true?
Lizzie: What?
Miranda: That you and Gordo are going to the Spring Fling together!
Lizzie: Yeah... how did you knew?
Miranda: That doesn't matter! You didn't told me first? I can't believe you! I thought we were Best Friends!
Toon Lizzie: What was that?
Lizzie: Wait-
Miranda: No, Elizabeth.
I don't want to talk to you anymore!
Lizzie: What's your problem? You knew I was going to ask him!
Miranda: But you didn't told me anything about it! Parker did! (hangs up)
Toon Lizzie: I want Mr. Snuggles!

End of chapter 5.

Chapter 6. The Spring Fling


(Gordo and Lizzie are at the dance)

Lizzie: This is so beautiful!

Gordo: You're even more.

(They both blushed)


*Gordo's POV*

"Lizzie said ‘This is so beautiful!’, then I said ‘you're even more’... what was that? jeez, I'm blushing!"


*Lizzie's POV*

"I said ‘this is so beautiful!’, then he said ‘you're even more’... omigosh! I'm blushing!


Toon Lizzie: Kay... Now it's time to kiss my frog and turn him into my charming prince, wait... he already is!

Lizzie: Gordo...

Gordo: What?

(Lizzie leans in and kisses him, then Miranda arrives to the dance)

Miranda: Well, well, that's our most cute couple!

(Lizzie blushes)

Gordo: Go away, Miranda.

Miranda: For the record, I'm only doing it cuz you told me to. I'm not done yet!

(She leaves them alone)

Lizzie: Gor-

Gordo: Lizzie, would you want to be my girlfriend?

(Lizzie kisses him again)

*Toon Lizzie faints*



End of chapter 6.

Chapters 5 & 6.

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