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Out Of Reach 2

Disclaimer: I don't own Lizzie McGuire or anything related to it. The song "Out of reach" belongs to BbMak.

“Another room where I can’t hide”
He heard a knock and went to open. There she was, waiting for her boyfriend: his roommate Mark.
”Another night without you here beside me”
She smiled and hugged him then went to Mark’s room and shut the door.
”Cuz' I don’t want to fake it”
He slammed his hand against the table and got out of the apartment.
”I'm just trying to make it, yeah”
He looked up to the window, saw it had the blinds closed and sighed.
”I need you so much”
Then he heard a door being slammed and she running out.

”You're out of reach”
”Liz?”, he saw she was crying so he went to hug her, friendly.
“You're out of reach, but you're so close”
”He cheated on me!”, she cried. He hugged her tighter.
”You're out of reach”
”Thanks, Gordo. You’re the best friend I could ever have”
“You're out of reach, but you're so close”
She looked up and smiled.
”You're out of reach”
She got in her car and drove away… again.
“You're out of reach, but you're so close”
He watched her as she left him.
”I hear you call, I feel you fall,
but you're out of reach”

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