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Out Of Reach 3

Disclaimer: I don't own Lizzie McGuire or anything related to it. The song "Out of reach" belongs to BbMak.

“I need you so much”
She saw him coming in, so she ran to hug him.

You're out of reach”
I want you to meet somebody”, she said, and he saw a tall and good-looking guy staring at them.
“You're out of reach, but you're so close”
This is Nick, my cousin”, she explained him. “He wanted to meet you”
You're out of reach”
Lizzie, would you like to dance?”, a guy asked her. She nodded.
You're out of reach, but you're so close”
He watched her as she danced in her 17th birthday… she was even more beautiful than ever.
You're out of reach”
Hey, Gordo”, Miranda said. “Wanna dance?”, he nodded.
You're out of reach, but you're so close”
He placed his hands around her waist, pretending she was Lizzie.
I hear you call, I feel you fall”
Let’s switch partners!”, Lizzie suggested Miranda, who nodded.
But you're out of reach”
Gordo…”, she muttered. “I love you”. He looked her in the eye and knew she meant it. They kissed softly and he listened the soundtrack of his life.

You're out of reach, but you're so close,
you're out of reach, but you're so close.
You're out of reach, but you're so close,
you're out of reach, but you're so close.”
I love you too”, he finally said, kissing her again.

You're out of reach, but you're so close,
you're out of reach, but you're so close.
You're out of reach, but you're so close,
you're out of reach, but you're so close.”

You're more like Ashley!
You're Ashley

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